We have decided to go Tiny! We recently took stock of our lives, where we are, where we are heading, and what we actually want. After living out west somewhat rural we don’t think we could go back to city living or life in suburbia. A Tiny Home on Wheels certainly ticks all the boxes to help us achieve our short and long-term goals, and offers the flexibility to become a revenue-generating asset.
Below is the initial design we have decided to start with as we approach local builders and suppliers to help us achieve our Dream Tiny Home. We have set a timeline for before June 2022 to have our Tiny home completed.
Our home had to be suitable for our large Fur-Family, with 3 large dogs, and 3 cats. So we know our space needed to be on the larger end. We had seen other homes for 10m x 3m x 4.2m so based our initial designs of this size floor-plan (external measurements) .
We have decided to base our design on a idea we seen on You Tube where the stairs was located in between a bathroom and a closet. This creates a point in which we can block access and not have the dogs using the steep stairwell where we fair could be problematic for our large and very clumsy dogs.

I plan on sharing our progress as we go here on this website. Hopefully we can help the next Tiny Homers to help make informed decisions o there own build on day.
We started our Journey while we worked on our own design in Google SketchUp by contacted a list of New Zealand suppliers in the THOW industry. We are blessed in NZ to have a vast sector of talented builders, designers and craftsman pushing the Tiny Home movement. From our initial list of 30 or so suppliers we contact we made a list of our top 10.
Some suppliers although amazing where ruled out from initial contact, some only build of there own amazing plans. Some only do single level, and some where just too busy and wouldn’t have a build slot until late 2022. Below is a list of our top 10
Tiny Easy | https://www.tinyeasy.co.nz/ |
Build Tiny | https://www.buildtiny.co.nz/ |
Tiny Home HQ | https://www.tinyhomehq.co.nz/ |
Cocoon Tiny Homes | https://cocoontinyhomes.nz/ |
Amazing Spaces NZ | https://www.amazingspacesnz.com/ |
Tiny House on Wheels | https://www.tinyhouseonwheels.co.nz/ |
Love Shack | https://www.love-shack.co.nz/ |
Eco Space | https://ecospace.co.nz/ |
House Me | https://houseme.co.nz/ |
Tiny by Taylor | https://www.tinybytaylor.co.nz/ |
The Little Big Tiny House | https://www.thelittlebigtinyhouse.nz/ |